My wife and I, complete non-coders but huge AI enthusiasts, decided to dive headfirst into making apps. It was like, ‘Why not learn something new together, right?’ I geek out over all things data, and she’s got this fantastic design sense that makes everything pop. We’ve been having a blast turning our crazy ideas into apps, hoping they land in your hands as little helpers (or entertainers). I can’t wait for you to check them out and see if we’ve managed to sprinkle a bit of our joy into your day!


Ye & Zheng Innovations, LLC


Apr 13, 2024

Match My Resume


Web App


Match Your Resume to Your Dream Job in Seconds

Crafting the perfect resume for each job is time-consuming and frustrating.It's hard to know what keywords recruiters are looking for and how to make your skills shine.You worry your resume isn't getting past the automated screening systems.

This tool takes the guesswork out of resume writing. It's free and easy: copy and paste your resume and the job description below (any format is fine). I use THE state-of-the-art AI models to analyze them side-by-side, giving you specific suggestions to get noticed.


Ye & Zheng Innovations, LLC


Ye & Zheng Innovations, LLC


Ye & Zheng Innovations, LLC


Ye & Zheng Innovations, LLC